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our top-rated Thai yoga massage & Relaxation massage
(Swedish & Deep tissue)

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Lift Your Spirit

thai yoga massage nyc

Thai yoga massage, or Nuad Boran, has a long history in Thailand dating back thousands of years. It was created by physician Jivaka Kumarbhaccha and originally practiced in temples and monasteries. King Rama III formalized and preserved the practice, which gained worldwide popularity in the 20th century. Thai massage combines physical manipulation, energy work, and mindfulness for a holistic approach to healing. Its continued practice and popularity highlights its effectiveness in promoting well-being.

Thai yoga massage nyc, restoring balance and harmony through therapEutic touch

Thai yoga massage is a type of healing therapy that combines stretching, acupressure, and deep tissue massage. It is performed fully clothed on a mat or futon on the floor. The therapy aims to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being by relieving muscle soreness, enhancing flexibility, and promoting relaxation. It is a complementary therapy used for different conditions in various wellness centers.

Therapeutic Touch is a technique that uses hands-on touch to promote relaxation and stimulate the body’s natural healing process. In Thai Yoga Massage, it’s used to release tension, improve circulation, and restore the flow of energy throughout the body. It creates deep relaxation, balance, and overall well-being.

Thai massage helps athletes perform better and recover faster. It includes stretches that increase flexibility and release muscle and joint tension, preventing injuries and improving overall wellness. At Athlete’s Choice Massage, our therapists specialize in Thai massage for athletes.

the benefits of stretching in thai massage

Thai massage stretching improves flexibility, relieves tension, enhances blood flow, promotes joint mobility and reduces stress. Improved flexibility and joint mobility are perfect for those with limited mobility or joint-related issues. Thai massage reduces muscle soreness and stiffness via stretching techniques. Stretching and deep breathing promote relaxation of both the body and mind, having the ability to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Plus, it aids in muscle health and injury prevention since it maintains muscle elasticity. All of these features make stretching an essential aspect of Thai massage therapy.

A Few Words About Treatments